How is the Laser Hair Removal procedure performed

Safe & Comfortable

At 4U Body&Skin, we use a diode laser of new generation of 2022.
The laser machine is suitable for all skin and hair types. Our certified specialists will select individual settings for each client.
How does a laser work? It is the hair shaft and bulb (hair follicle) that are the main target. The laser focuses its beam of light on the pigment in your hair follicles.

This allows preventing re-growth of hair. In this way the laser kills the follicle at the root.

Contact us to schedule your Treatment today!

Preparation for Laser Hair Removal

✔️Don't use wax/sugaring/epilator/tweezers
✔️Razor shave the area to be treated before your procedure
✔️Don't sunbathe for ~2 weeks
✔️Avoid applying any cosmetics on the area before your treatment

Compliance with all recommendations is very important. Don’t ignore them.

After the Laser Epilation Procedure:

✔️Do not visit the pool/bathhouse/sauna/hot tub for ~24 hours
✔️Do not apply cosmetics for ~12 hours (except SPF and recommended products)
✔️Do not use wax/sugaring/epilator/tweezers
✔️Do not do peelings, massages, etc. for ~3 days.
✔️Do not sunbathe for ~2 weeks
~ Adhere to the intervals between procedures recommended by the specialist

Proper skin care after laser procedures is no less important than preparation for the session!

Сontraindications for Laser Hair Removal

The procedure is absolutely safe, non-traumatic, but has a number of limitations in use.
Contraindications for laser hair removal apply to the following groups of people:
✔️ Pregnant women. During this period, the hormonal background of pregnant and young mothers becomes unstable, which can lead to uncontrolled increased hair growth - the procedure may be ineffective.
✔️ People with diabetes (in the stage of decompensation). They may experience more pain due to increased sensitivity of nerves and tissues, and be more prone to infections due to slow healing.

✔️Also, laser hair removal is contraindicated in:

~oncology; ~heart disease; ~ diabetes; ~ varicose veins (in the area of the procedure); ~ the presence of keloid scars and scars; ~ individual intolerance; ~ herpes in the acute stages of the manifestation of the disease; ~ the presence of metal prostheses in the laser area (the metal heats up, which can cause skin burns); ~ poor blood clotting; ~ the presence of light, gray and vellus hair.

✔️ Short-term contraindications to laser hair removal include:

~burns of any severity; ~wounds, bruises, abrasions at the site of the planned procedure; ~SARS and colds; ~irritation and inflammation of the skin.

During the procedure at 4U Body&Skin, the master conducts a preliminary survey of the client - asks for contraindications. He also carefully examines the work area, circles all existing moles, bruises, psoriasis, eczema spots with a special pencil to prevent the laser from hitting them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Probable consequences of Laser Hair Removal?
Is Laser Hair Removal harmful to body?
How does laser hair removal affect pregnancy?
Can Laser Hair Removal cause cancer?
Opening Hours

Mon – Sat 9 am to 7 pm

Sun – closed