One of the most common problems among men and women is the removal of unwanted vegetation. Someone uses a machine for this, some prefer waxing or sugar epilation. In some situations, you can use an epilator, but these are all rather painful procedures.

One of the most problematic areas is the stomach. A strip of body hair in men, and even more so in women, does not look particularly attractive. Moreover, this is such a delicate place where you would not want to shave off the hairs, and in the future to observe the stubble. In order to eliminate hair without pain and stubble, you can use a modern method, such as laser hair removal of the abdomen.

Unlike other cosmetic procedures, which usually cause a lot of unpleasant moments and even painful ones, laser hair removal in the abdomen is as comfortable as possible. You won’t even feel any pleasant moments. This method not only opens up the possibility of effectively dealing with vegetation, but also slows down the process of hair growth. The laser is also a great opportunity to eliminate the re-formation of hair. Of course, the situation is different, not a single master can guarantee you the removal of vegetation once and for all, but nevertheless, the re-growth of hairs in this case is the exception rather than the rule.

How to achieve the desired result:

how many sessions should I expect?

Before visiting a beautician, questions immediately arise regarding how many sessions should be completed in order to eliminate hairs, how quickly each procedure will take place. It all depends solely on which master you signed up for the procedure with and on which device it works. The most commonly used diode laser device, but there is also an alexandrite. Also, the duration of the hair removal course directly depends on the following points:

  • what color of skin and hair a person has;
  • which area needs to be epilated.

The laser beam can only affect hair that is in an active growth process. Therefore, it is simply impossible to do without shaving in this case. Of course, in one session, getting rid of all the hairs will definitely not work. The alexandrite device affects the hair much faster than the diode one, but the second type of laser is able to positively affect the skin, rejuvenating it, eliminating dark spots and not causing irritation, redness and other unpleasant moments.

The frequency of visiting a cosmetologist and the duration of sessions depends directly on the quality of the hairs and the characteristics of the skin. Already after the first session, the laser has the ability to act on 40% of all hairs, since the rest are in a “sleep” state anyway. After a while, you will be able to notice that the hairs have become much softer, more pleasant to the touch, lighter. After about 6 sessions, their growth will completely stop. Of course, a high-quality laser is able to eliminate vegetation forever, but it is still better to periodically repeat the procedures to consolidate the result. We recommend after 8-10 procedures to repeat epilation at least 1-2 times a year. If you suddenly noticed that the hair began to appear again, you yourself will feel the need for re-epilation.

Most often, hair growth resumes only in the following situations:

  • during pregnancy;
  • with hormonal failure;
  • with climax.

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