02/02/2023 Endospheres Therapy in Philadelphia A sensation that has no analogues - a non-surgical, painless method of figure correction....подробнее
02/02/2023 The first signs of Cellulite At the initial stage, cellulite is eliminated with the help of manual and hardware...подробнее
02/01/2023 The effect of the impact of the apparatus ENDOSPHERES Smooth skin, toned forms, "flying" gait - the result of a full course. The...подробнее
07/07/2022 The proposal of the Endospheres of the body is a trial procedure The endosphere-therapy body procedure is recommended for the manifestation of symptoms of venous insufficiency...подробнее
02/02/2022 Features of the course of therapy with the device Endospheres Endospheres Therapy is a procedure that does not cause pain. It takes 75 minutes...подробнее