The problem of ingrown hair is quite common. It occurs after the removal of unwanted vegetation on the body. And, as a rule, after independent attempts to do it at home. Most often, before making our skin smooth, we neglect the rules of preparation for this procedure, as well as the rules of skin care after it. And this is important! Let’s find out why it happens and how to fight hair growth.
Ingrown hair. The reasons for its appearance
What is ingrown hair and why does it appear? These are hairs weakened after unsuccessful removal, which begin to grow not upwards, but horizontally, under the skin. Quite often it is accompanied by pustular inflammation and always painful sensations. Everyone knows what ingrown hair looks like, it is not at all aesthetic and brings discomfort.
There are not many reasons for its appearance, and therefore it is easy to prevent this trouble. So, you can face this problem if:
- wear tight synthetic underwear or pantyhose;
- improper removal of unwanted hair (without observing the necessary precautions), as well as not properly caring for the skin after the procedure;
- or the method you chose to get smooth skin just doesn’t suit you.
As for underwear and tights, it seems that everything is simple – make sure that things are not tight and, of course, carefully study the composition. Preference should be given to natural materials and products of well-known manufacturers.
Be sure to do the procedure correctly! Immediately before shaving or waxing, it is necessary to steam the body, take a hot bath or shower to open the pores. Scrub the area of skin you will be treating! This will make the skin clean and raise the hairs. After the procedure, special products should be applied – emollient, moisturizing cream or milk. There are lotions that are sold in pharmacies against the growth of body hair.
One of the most common methods used by girls is waxing. Ingrown hair appears quite often after it. Therefore, if you use wax, follow all the recommendations, and still do not understand what to do so that hair does not grow after epilation, most likely this method is not suitable for you.
The best remedies for Ingrown Hair
Today, cosmetology portals offer a wide selection of skin care products for various occasions. Among them, you can choose lotion, cream against hair growth after hair removal. They are used to prevent this phenomenon, but they do not “work” well if it has already happened. Most often, there is a need to seek professional help.
How to deal with ingrown hair, for example, in the bikini area? In this delicate area of the body, the skin is especially tender and sensitive. Inflammation, damage, any traumatization is completely undesirable here. By turning to a laser epilation specialist, you will get rid of this nuisance painlessly and quickly. On the face, on the pubes, under the armpits, on the legs – on any part of the body, hair can be removed, including ingrown hairs, with the help of a diode laser.
Today, the laser is the most reliable assistant for those who want to have smooth and healthy skin.