Lymphatic drainage massage is a whole complex of procedures, the main purpose of which is to disperse the lymphatic flow. This is especially true in the presence of lymphatic stagnation.

Why is such a massage always presented in a separate category of procedures? The thing is that it is particularly complex, sometimes it is carried out manually, but in some cases, specialists use the apparatus. Such a massage is especially effective in the case when varicose veins are present, the vascular network is noticeable, and there is also excess weight and other pathologies. But keep in mind that the technique of lymphatic drainage massage is not entirely simple, which is why only an experienced specialist who really has a medical education, understands human anatomy and the lymphatic system, should carry out such a procedure.

The technique of such massage is used relatively recently, but has already managed to get a wide range of distribution. Lymphatic drainage can be used not only for women, but also for representatives of the strong half of humanity. Also, lymphatic drainage massage is one of the best solutions for losing weight. It will eliminate the “orange peel”, create the perfect silhouette, and also make the skin attractive, supple and as smooth as possible.

Moreover, this type of massage can be used not only for the body, but also for the face. What is Facial Lymphatic Drainage? This is a special massage technique that is aimed at removing excess fluid from soft tissues by triggering lymph flow. And it’s not just about morning puffiness under the eyes.

When is the best time to do lymphatic drainage facial massage? If you notice that your face is losing its shape, lines appear, your skin sags, or you just have excess weight, and this is clearly reflected in your face, then you should sign up for sessions as soon as possible.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage: indications This procedure is indicated in the following situations:

  • if skin rejuvenation is required;
  • there are certain defects on the face, excessive swelling;
  • fluid accumulation is clearly expressed in the subcutaneous tissue;
  • rather deep nasolabial folds;
  • when they noticed that there were big bruises under the eyes and increased swelling formed;
  • overly enlarged pores on the skin.

Only true professionals in their field know how to properly do lymphatic drainage facial massage, so beginners and amateurs should not be contacted at all in such a situation. Before the massage, the specialist will definitely examine you, after which he will tell you how many sessions you need.

What is lymphatic drainage facial massage? This is a unique procedure that is carried out by sectors. In order for the effect to be maximum, the first course should be about 10-15 sessions. The intervals between procedures should not be more than three days. If these intervals are shorter or longer, the likelihood of success is reduced significantly. Once you complete a full course, for prevention, you should repeat one procedure every few months.

What is the benefit of lymphatic drainage facial massage? This procedure is useful for everyone, especially for people who have crossed the 30-year milestone. It will allow you to maintain tone, slow down the process of skin aging, and also perfectly cope with excess weight, cellulite. If the procedure is carried out simply to correct the oval of the face, after 4-5 sessions you will be able to notice significant changes. If you need to remove extra centimeters on the face, eliminate the second chin, then the duration of the courses depends on the general condition, stage.

Of course, if you take a photo before and after the procedure, you will definitely notice a significant difference, perhaps you could not even count on such an effect from the very beginning. This mainly applies to morning edema. After several procedures in the morning, you will not notice fluid stagnation, your eyes will become more open and open, swelling will be eliminated, and you will no longer be ashamed to go out in public. There are also delayed results that are achieved over time in the case of regular use of massage. These results include:

  • elimination of fleas;
  • elimination of wrinkles on the forehead;
  • achieving maximum skin smoothness;
  • maximum smoothing of folds and wrinkles on the face;
  • shine and radiance of the face.

This massage is recommended from the age of 30. It is no coincidence that such a procedure for facial rejuvenation is offered in salons. We will be glad to see you in 4U Body&Skin salon.

What are the types and techniques of lymphatic drainage facial massage? Common methods include:

hardware way. It is carried out using a vacuum or microcurrent exposure.

Manual. In this case, the maximum amount of fluid is removed from the tissues using special techniques. Moreover, most massage therapists do it according to certain patterns, some prefer to improve existing methods.

Our experts will consult and suggest which is best for you.

Contact us to schedule your Treatment today!

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