Anyone who has ever visited a beauty salon or clinic knows the feeling of renewal when you leave after the procedures. But… Endospheres therapy is a little more than an hour of magic and the “wow” effect is not only noticeable, but also visible after the first session.
Smooth skin, toned forms, “flying” gait – the result of a full course. The ideal anti-cellulite effect by a non-invasive method is achieved with 12 procedures (2-3 per week). To maintain the effect – preventive visits 1 time per week. The sessions are quite pleasant and if you have the desire, time and money, then you should take care of yourself!
How it Works
The procedure carried out by the device EndoSPHERES therapy with 4U Body&Skin is performed on a naked body, for better gliding, moistened with a special oil. The fact is that in addition to the tightening effect, there is an excellent peeling of the skin. The esthetician sees all the imperfections of the skin and has the opportunity to carefully work them out. At the same time, the skin temperature rises by about 2°C, which improves the production of elastin and collagen.
When performed correctly, Endospheres therapy is absolutely painless. The esthetician, first of all, provides a comfortable feeling and only then begins an in-depth study of problem areas of the skin. The device itself is able to minimize discomfort due to the self-adjusting frequency control function (interval 29-355 Hertz). The intensity of exposure may be gradually increased on a second pass through the sites or at the next visit. It is unacceptable to put much pressure on the maniple. A good specialist knows that the Endospheres apparatus is efficient and “smart”, it does not require additional pressure
A beautiful body is the result of Endospheres Therapy
The ideal appearance is painstaking work and expensive pleasure.
The device EndoSPHERES therapy is actually able to effectively deal with excess weight by modeling the contours of the body. But, nevertheless, it is worth understanding that miracles do not happen, and even plastic will not help if you do not lead an active lifestyle, do not follow your diet. But the Endospheres – the apparatus launches internal physio-processes that improve tissue metabolism and allow you to get rid of the presence of fat deposits. At the same time, soft tissue detoxification occurs and lymph flow improves. The compression effect will tighten the skin and keep it in good shape. It also contributes to the removal of excess interstitial fluid, that is, a decrease in body volume.
It is possible to lose weight with the Endospheres without stretch marks! The skin remains taut and smooth.
It should be noted that EndoSPHERES therapy is the only device that automatically detects areas even with fibrous cellulite and selects an individual vibration frequency.
12 procedures – and the “orange peel” will disappear!
In general, Endospheres Therapy gives an excellent effect in solving the problems of modeling body contours and getting rid of excess weight.